As a candidate or PAC, you are ready to make a difference. You believe in the ideals of our country: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. You believe in our Constitution, and that the rights of all Americans are worth protecting. So do we. 

We stand with you.™
No matter where you stand.

Victory Checking Features

  • No minimum balance.
  • Free mobile check deposit.
  • Free business debit card.
  • Account dashboard to monitor accounts, balances, and transactions from any computer or mobile device.
  • Easy management of access for authorized account users.
  • Transaction logs and free electronic statements.
  • Integration with QuickBooks and Quicken.
  • Custom account alerts to monitor balances, transactions, and other activity.
  • Single file ACH originations - fast and secure payments to vendors, venues, and media outlets.
  • Domestic wire options right from your dashboard.
Campaign Speech Platform

Account Fees

We've built our Victory Checking Account to support campaigns of all sizes, from your local community to state office to the national level. 

This is a summary of the most common fees. Please see full Terms and Conditions for more details.

  • $15 per month maintenance fee
  • $10 outgoing domestic wire fee
  • $0.15 ACH origination fee

Save on Merchant Fees with Old Glory Pay

Old Glory Pay is our proprietary, closed-loop, digital payment app. Payments made through Old Glory Pay – directly to your campaign account or through Old Glory Alliance – are secure, fast, and above all, private. By accepting donations to your campaign through Old Glory Pay, you are protecting the privacy of your supporters, ensuring that their legal donations to your campaign won't be blocked by or reported to any third party with different political views. Payments are also settled immediately, so the funds are available to your campaign right away, instead of several days later, as with traditional credit or debit cards. Plus, you save on merchant fees because transactions through Old Glory Pay are 100% free! 

Read our Press Release about Old Glory Pay and Old Glory Alliance

Old Glory Pay
Old Glory Alliance Logo

Visit Old Glory Alliance to learn more.

Old Glory Alliance:
Your Cancel-Proof Fundraising Platform

Old Glory Alliance is America's cancel-proof fundraising site, powered by Old Glory Bank and backed by FDIC insurance. Raise funds for your campaign with the confidence of Privacy, Security, and Liberty. Funds raised are deposited to your Victory Checking Account upon request. 
Note: Old Glory Alliance Political campaign fundraisers require a Victory Checking account.

Open Your Victory Checking Account Now